Facebook, now there's a thing... I wonder about it... I like it... it scares me... it can open the door to authenticity...maybe... this is where it gets scary... But, I have leapt in to see what happens. I am hiding less... opening more... and marketing here too...
I wrote of my Sangha, I wrote of my changes...
There is a dream that I have attached to all of this and it is about me building my livelihood, with my creations, through the internet and my little book store. It is a formidable challenge and I am painstakingly training myself to understand the technical details of how this all works.
It is also about me writing just how important it is to buy locally and consider the impacts we have on our selves and our environment.
So what's new for Mandalalama? Well through trial and error I am relearning and brushing up on my sewing skills for the making of the 'Moto Totes' which are made of recycled and re-purposed stuff. I just learned that there is such a thing as a leather needle and that acquiring some of theses would mean that I would break many less sewing machine needles.
Also, I've been thinking about the finite supply that I have of these old Motorola cell phone carriers, and wondered if there are more to be found in storage out there in the world at large. These were made available through the auction of the contents of an abandoned storage locker.
I have enough to keep me sewing for a while... but, I would rescue more if the opportunity presented itself...
All that having been said, here is a photo of the latest tote that I have been making...
Bye for now,
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