Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mandalalama's first showing ever :0)

Well firstly, I posted the following on Mandalalama facebook page ''This morning I am drinking tea out of my Dora the explora mug.... I'm feeling somewhat 'Explora-ee.... so in keeping up with the ups and the downs and now is an up for some reason, I will reafirm that today is the first day of..... wait! stop that train, (I almost had you there) clichés, gotta love 'em, sometimes.... ...ah hell its raining , my cold is leaving , I slept well, it's a good start to a day so this is me wishing a good day all around.... :0)''

That is a good start, Also Last weekend I participated in the Brighton Arts council winter show and sale in my Mandalalama capacity . It was a good excercise in pulling a thing together on very short notice ( Much thanks to Ken for helping with my booth, and also Tante Ingelore and my friend Dawne who manned/womanned the bookstore for the weekend).
I met up with some wonderful folk and was engaged in some great conversation, and all the while had the chance to extol the virtues of our 'new' second hand book store here in Brighton.
The book store has now been officially named 'READ and GREEN' thanks to the help of Rob Greco. So one can now follow the book store happenings at: readandgreen@blogspot.com

Ok so back to the show.... oh and up there^ is what the booth looked like,
Happay day to all,

stay well,
And Be